Recursively walk and transform EcmaScript AST
Recursively walk and transform EcmaScript AST
collection for AST query/manipulation/transformation
Common utility functions used in connectors.
collection for AST query/manipulation/transformation
transform the ast on a recursive walk using espree
Transform JavaScript ASTs the easy way
transform bash shell ast on a recursive walk
Source code transformer that isolates insides of each function to confirm purity
Inline javascript functions within a file (inline expansion).
From JSDoc info make sure that your arguments are valid appending validation code at the beginning of your functions using falafel.
Inline functions in JavaScript
A browserify transform which lets you run your JavaScript files through falafel.
Transform PHP ASTs the easy way
Transform HTML code the easy way
Transform JavaScript code the easy way
Transform PHP code the easy way
Transform CSS code the easy way
browserify transform tool by sharing falafel