Simple method for resposive fontSize based on screen-size of the device in React-Native
Simple method for resposive fontSize based on screen-size of the device in React-Native
Powerful & easy-to-use responsive resizing engine.
An efficient text measurement set for the browser.
utils for iPhone SE device size in react-native
A javascript library to resize text to make it fit into a container. The font size gets as big as possible (or within limits that you set).
Use a shorthand text property in CSS
Typography primitives for Primer design system
PostCSS plugin to support responsive typography shorthands.
SlateJS font-size plugin.
Simple UI component that allows the font size of a text to adapt automatically to fill the width of an element in one line.
Inline tool to change font size for Editor.js
My swell module
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PostCSS plugin for responsive-font-size property support.
Helper function for maintaining rhythm in your css
Minimalist vertical rhythm and horizontal rhythm helpers for stylus.
postcss plugin for px2rem-more
react-native font scaler
Pump up font v o l u m e
Font-size variables and mixin