StrongLoop Globalize - API
StrongLoop Globalize - API
Globalize.js runtime compiler for your formatters and parsers
Globalize.js webpack plugin
The CLDR data optimized for localizing DevExtreme widgets using Globalize.
StrongLoop Globalize - CLI
globalize your React Hooks without fear using the Hookleton Pattern
Bold Reports by Syncfusion controls for JavaScript with language packs for the localization of ReportViewer and ReportDesigner reporting widgets.
Bringing the i18n functionality of Globalize, backed by CLDR, to React
Internationalization in Typescript with Unicode CLDR, batteries included
Angular 8 pipes for localizing numbers and dates using Globalize.
The globalize middleware for the express framework
Internationalization (i18n) and localization (l10n) plugin for Vue.js v2.
Internationalization (i18n) and localization (l10n) library
Node.js lib helps to retrieve a list of supported languages to be used in web apps UI.
An extension to the jQuery Validation Plugin which makes it use Globalize.js for number and date parsing (enabling simple internationalized validation)
An extension to the jQuery Validation Plugin which makes it use Globalize.js for number and date parsing (enabling simple internationalized validation). This package fixes the official 0.1.1 release with added dateGlobalizeOptions, which was not included.
Maintain your translations in Google Sheets and fetch them into JSON files
simple localization library (inspired by laravel translation)
Localiztion service for Akili framework
extending Hookleton Pattern namespaces and more