Global identifiers from different JavaScript environments
Global identifiers from different JavaScript environments
A list of browser globals that are often used by mistake instead of local variables
Additional ESLint rules for ESLint directive comments.
A list of confusing globals that should be restricted to be used as globals
Makes CommonJS-incompatible modules browserifyable.
A lightweight Javascript Universal Module for parsing durations
Transform external imports into global variables like output.globals.
The modern CSS-in-JS library
The modern CSS-in-JS library
This module provides a dependency injection container. Modules may define a key and specify a default value (which can be static, cached lazy, or dynamic lazy), but other code can set and reset the value as needed. There is also an event system, for alert
Explicitly import Jest globals
A list of browser globals that are often used by mistake instead of local variables
Magic Globals, ex. `__line` and `__func`. Similar to Magic Constants in PHP
Transform global variables in JavaScript
A babel plugin that exposes ES6 modules to global variables.
Compiles javascript files and all their dependencies with babel.
Gulp plugin for babel-globals.
Exported globals it would be nice to mock
Tool that can be used to build metal ES6 js files to globals format
ESLint shareable config for the Anolilab JavaScript style guide.