Add nofollow attribute to all external links automatically
Add nofollow attribute to all external links automatically
🍀 a hexo extend to inject any code into theme.
Generate douban pages of books , movies and games for Hexo.
Hexo Modify External link to Inner link
Create a copy button for every code block generated from prism syntax highlighting engine
[![](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/@jiangtj/hexo-next-pwa.svg?style=popout-square)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@jiangtj/hexo-next-pwa) ![npm](https://img.shields.io/npm/l/@jiangtj/hexo-next-pwa.svg?style=popout-square)
automatically load hexo code highlighting style, support highlight and prismjs
A hexo plugin to minify/optimize HTML, CSS, JS and images. Supports revisioning of assets.
Embed steam game in Hexo posts/pages.
uncss2 plugin for Hexo.
Add scode block in your post.
A hexo plugin helps you notify readers new post update.
The Yeoman generator for Hexo.
Beautify Hexo generated HTML, CSS and JS files, using js-beautify.
Masked character tag for Hexo, inspired by the BBCode.
[![](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/@jiangtj/hexo-config-plus.svg?style=popout-square)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@jiangtj/hexo-config-plus) ![npm](https://img.shields.io/npm/l/@jiangtj/hexo-config-plus?style=popout-square)
Azure search support for Hexo.
Fork from hexo-filter-nofollow. Add nofollow attribute to all external links, or convert all external links to internal links automatically.
Append crossorigin attribute to HTML elements
Hexo Generator for Podcast