Make JavaScript functions that support both promise and callback styles.
Make JavaScript functions that support both promise and callback styles.
Handling/creating hybrid errors. Hybrid middleware between callbacks and throws. Helpful util for modules that have hybrid APIs and want when they use promises, directly to throw the errors; when use callbacks to pass errors to first argument of this call
Hybridify. Hybrids. Create sync or async function to support both promise and callback-style APIs in same time. Using the power of [relike][].
Hybridifies all the selected functions in an object.
Create promise from sync, async, string, number, array and so on. Handle completion (results) and errors gracefully! Built on top of `relike`, used by `redolent` to build robust (hybrid) APIs.
Compose your control flow with absolute elegance. Support async/await, callbacks, thunks, generators, promises, observables, child processes and streams. Can power applications that need to have plugins. Useful for creating task, test and bench runners.
Flexible and cross-platform executing commands. Hybrid, Async and Promise API.
Create callback api from synchronous function. Same as `make-callback`, but won't handle generators and if async function is given returns it.
Check whether an object looks like Hybrid which is promises-a+ promise and callback api
Make promise to have support for callback api, it returns promise in that same time.