simple functional branching logic
simple functional branching logic
Neater control statements (if/for) for react, as a component
A tiny (1kB GZipped) zero dependency JavaScript utility that lets you write your conditional business logic in a declarative way (React like).
Neater control statements (if/for) for react, as a component
conditional rendering for react components
A react component that handles conditional logic in a more elegant manner.
Render React components conditionally.
small helper component for conditional rendering
Small module that checks if the given object has given properties and are not null or undefined
Check if the required properties are set, the easy way!
lisp "cond" special form realization for js
Set of JavaScript actions to use during component rendering
simple functional branching logic
React Component to make the Conditional Render look Elegant
Conditional component for react, if else as a component
Neater control statements (if/for) for react, as a component
React helper conditional components for convenient and declarative development
A Vite plugin for using React control statements
Library with alternatives to hard coded switch-case and if-else blocks
Syntactic sugar for if, else statements by a function. Aim for an implementation both clean and elegant.