A tool for inlining file imports.
A tool for inlining file imports.
Create your own middlewares to divide a large logic into serveral wares
Node wrapper for Python's SciPy library
2D and 3D verlet integration
A set of functions for calculating the lower and upper incomplete gamma functions
JavaScript API library for Automizy Marketing Automation software
Node wrapper for the integrate module of scipy python library
js call r with a simple way.
integrate eslint to a fe project
A light framework for integrating React with any CMS using the DOM as the hook.
Gaussian quadrature for a triangle
integrate assets to a template file and output a single file with given name.
Integrate Braintree payments in your apps.
Design mobile friendly HTML emails in your application.
Integrates Tapdaq to your compiled iOS Buildbox application
Numerical integrators for ordinary differential equations in asm.js
A simple CLI tool that makes paystack easier for developers to intergrate
Instantiate React Components in the wild.
hapi-middleman module for integrating paypal with intacct
Small package with zero dependencies to check your external module integrations