This Ember addon helps you configure and manage the Web App Manifest to create a Progressive Web App
This Ember addon helps you configure and manage the Web App Manifest to create a Progressive Web App
Smart banner for Android or iOS
Smooth scrolling for the web
A cross-platform push service for node.js
Smart app banner react version.
Make videos playable inline on the iPhone (prevents automatic fullscreen)
Full featured mobile HTML framework for building iOS & Android apps
Mobile-first HTML template engine
Searchable collection of Apple devices
Node adapter for Apple Push Notification (APN) service.
iOS In App Purchase Receipt Verification library
Build full featured iOS & Android apps using Framework7 & React
Build full featured iOS & Android apps using Framework7 & Vue
Inject JavaScript to explore native apps on Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS and Android
Build full featured iOS & Android apps using Framework7 & Svelte
Simple library for listing and installing apps on iOS devices
Command line interface for building Titanium SDK apps
iOS Utility Library
⭐ Axway Amplify module for ESLint settings package with Appcelerator Titanium SDK
This project is deprecated and do not maintained anymore. Use @wezom/browserizr instead