Fully configured form generator via JSON data with a custom template for each attribute + onChange events.
Fully configured form generator via JSON data with a custom template for each attribute + onChange events.
AForm 是工业级的表单解决方案,它基于声明式编程和模型驱动,做到了大部分工作的自动化,使用AForm,您仅需关心数据模型、数据约束和表单的最终展现,而无需关心表单的实现细节,对于大量使用表单的应用系统来说,AForm可以极大地提高您的生产力。
A mini React library that abstracts the generation of forms from a JSON.
mongoose-jsonform for generate jsonform json-schema directly from mongoose-schema.
Create forms for JSON Schema
Create forms using JSON Schema
Generate simple HTML forms
Generate simple HTML forms
Loader for jsonform
Forms in Astro, made easy.