Fast and simple color conversion
Fast and simple color conversion
Create a darker or lighter shade of a hex color.
Simple functional and immutable color manipulation library
Color extension
A library of helper methods for working with colors.
Change the lightness of a css color
A library of helper methods for working with colors. Comes with flow typings and tree-shakeable modules.
textarea selection library for the browser
Lightweight color shader/blender/converter plugin implemented for Vue 2.
Photoshop-style blend modes for HTML Canvas Contexts
Color extension
Tailwind CSS `mix-blend-mode` utilities
A well-tested library written in typescript to with a lot of tools to help mobile developers who care about color.
A simple package to generate shades of a color
Lightens or darkens an RGB or RGBA color towards white or black
Simple, lightweight class to manipulate a color and convert between formats
Color extension
Color extension
Color utilities. Color generation, basic color schemes, lighten/darken colors, console logging with color,etc.
generate shades from base color, based on `color.luminosity` (WCAG)