A transport for winston which logs to a rotating file each day.
A transport for winston which logs to a rotating file each day.
:lipstick: node-log-rotate :lipstick: ===============
A performant file transport providing daily log rotation for winston.
A transport for winston which logs to a rotating file each day.
Day Log Savings is a simple, zero dependencies, Node.js logger that lets you log things in organized, day rotating files.
Straightforward NodeJS logging.
A transport for winston which logs to a rotating file each day. Compared with the original version, this one fixed a bug in Node 8+
A transport for winston which logs to a rotating file each day.
A transport for winston which logs to a rotating file each day.
Simple node.js logger with log rotation support
A Transport for Winston which logs to a rotating file.
Pino Daily Log Rotate File
Write logs to a rotating file
A transport for winston which logs to a rotating file each day.
A transport for winston which logs to a rotating file each day.
A transport for winston which logs to a rotating file each day.
A wrapper on top of winston with log rotation capabilities