prelude-ls is a functionally oriented utility library. It is powerful and flexible. Almost all of its functions are curried. It is written in, and is the recommended base library for, LiveScript. is a functionally oriented utility library. It is powerful and flexible. Almost all of its functions are curried. It is written in, and is the recommended base library for, LiveScript.
Columnated lists for the CLI.
Get tags from a remote Git repo
Small library to parse file listings into JavaScript objects
A express package to list all registered endpoints and its verbs
CLI tool to browse docker registries using Docker Registry HTTP API V2:
Get the contents of a directory recursively (like ls -R)
A package for listing and reading files in archive files
Module to recursive read directory async (non blocking). Must be used with Promises. Configurable, extended filtering. etc.
List contents of directories in a tree-like format similar to the Tree Command (
npm ls style package listing and display
Returns a sorted recursive list of all files inside a directory
The colorful ls command
Get a list of licenses for any installed project dependencies
Render a buffered files structures with archy
Examine a package's dependency graph before you install it
An extended fs traverser
ls to json
stream filenames