Javascript least squares data fitting methods
Javascript least squares data fitting methods
A toolbox for displaying and modifying diagrams on the web
A bpmn 2.0 toolkit and web modeler
JavaScript library for defining types and their properties with support for wrapping/unwrapping and serialization/deserialization.
A dmn toolkit and web modeler
Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) Library
A next-gen framework for graphical views
Glue code to integrate GLSP clients into Eclipse Theia
JavaScript library for defining types and their properties with support for wrapping/unwrapping and serialization/deserialization.
Modeling architecture data
A bpmn 2.0 toolkit and web modeler
Spam Scanner - The Best Anti-Spam Scanning Service and Anti-Spam API
Tools for the Concerto Modeling Language
A sprotty-based client for GLSP
WebGME server and Client API without a GUI
Web-based Generic Modeling Environment
The protocol definition for client-server communication in GLSP
CASE addon for ember-flexberry applications
Embeddable Camunda modeling distributions based on bpmn-js
An Awesome [/osom/] Object Schema Modeling