Monad and Monad Transformer Collection
Monad and Monad Transformer Collection
Akh state monad and monad transformer
Akh Neith Zipper monad
Akh codensity monad
Akh continuation monad
Core logic for akh
Core specifications for akh
Akh delimited continuation monad transformer and monad
Akh either monad and monad transformer
Akh error monad and monad transformer
Akh identity monad
Akh list monad and monad transformer
Akh maybe monad and monad transformer
Akh reader monad and monad transformer
Akh unique monad
Akh writer monad and monad transformer
Akh delimited continuation monad and moand transformer
State monad to allocate unique ids
An implementation of the continuation monad for fp-ts
A partial port of Haskell-Managed-Library for fp-ts