Fetches data from Dexcom's webservice and puts it in Nightscout.
Fetches data from Dexcom's webservice and puts it in Nightscout.
Send Medtronic pump and CGM data to Nightscout.
API for reading blood glucose values from Dexcom's Share servers
Provides nightscout server and client for sugar monitoring
Send Medtronic pump and CGM data to Nightscout.
Library allowing fitbit os applications to fetch and display Continuous Glucose Monitoring data from various sources.
Convert a nightscout profile to openAPS format
Send Medtronic pump and CGM data to Nightscout.
Fetches data from LibreView's webservice and puts it in Nightscout
Transfer Nightscout data to LibreView
How long has your glucose been in range?
API for reading blood glucose values from Dexcom's Share2 servers
Synchronizes continuuous glucose values (CGV) from diasend to nightscout