Simple walk is a little helper to walk folders recursively.
Simple walk is a little helper to walk folders recursively.
Yeoman generator for a generic node module with unittests and coverage reports. It uses Mocha, Browserify, Uglify, Blanket, PhantomJS, JSHint, JSCS, Flow, Travis-CI and Watch.
Heli 3D viewer is a library for 3D Geo-Spatial data visualization & analytics built by Heliware ( using three js & webgl.
NodeJS module boilerplate
Get directories - node module
patch node module source code during webpack compile time
generate readme file for your next project with a lot of options
Yeoman generator for node, amd and regular JavaScript modules.
Node-Module-With-Unittests-Template: template for a generic node module with unittests and coverage reports
A libraray for Isochrone, Routing & geoprocessing GeoJson Data
A simple music library module