Parse and display moments in any timezone.
Parse and display moments in any timezone.
Parse and display moments in any timezone.
Construct dates with timezone context
Date/time, IANA timezones, leap seconds, TAI/UTC conversions, calendar with settable Julian/Gregorian switchover
Changes deprecated timezone strings into modern IANA Olsen Timezone equivalents.
Parse and display moments in any timezone.
Parse and display moments in any timezone.
add timezone support to jalali-moment.
Parse and display moments in any timezone.
Parse and display moments in any timezone.
Async parser for binary tzdata zoneinfo files.
Parse and display moments in any timezone.
Parse and display moments in any timezone.
Parse and display moments in any timezone.
Fork of moment-timezone to depend on moment-rodcope1 for debugging.
Easy direct access to the most recent official timezone information for iCalendar files via JavaScript
Parse and display moments in any timezone.
Parse and display moments in any timezone.