Hydrate your React components only when you need to
Hydrate your React components only when you need to
Update Vue computed properties on demand, useful for timers etc.
Babel plugin for importing components on demand
gluebert.js is a tiny helper orchestrating interactive html elements with on demand dynamic import Edit
Loads stylesheets on demand with consistent callback support
ReactJS Stateless Javascript Function for Dynamic Meta Tags
The eager-loading for image files on the web page that loads the files according to your plan. This differs from the lazy-loading, for example, this can be used to avoid that the user waits for the loading.
Tools for running mocha tests on saucelabs
RAM bundle friendly index.js with on-demand loaded modules
Resource lazy-loading for browser
dev on demand with webpack
a browser-based loader for both AMD/UMD and CommonJS modules
On-demand atomic styles
SDK for Klarna's on-demand purchase service.
Construct images on the fly via a simple URL!
Babel plugin for importing components on demand
A library for defining the modules used on the page and loading them asynchronously on demand
An advanced, on-demand React UI library optimized for BeyondJS. Pragmate UI provides modular, responsive, and accessible components with a focus on efficient bundle sizes and a streamlined development process.
A set of JavaScript utilities for on-demand using.
Hermes/RAM bundle friendly index.js with on-demand loaded modules