Toggle Switch component for react native, it works on iOS and Android.
Toggle Switch component for react native, it works on iOS and Android.
An iOS style on/off toggle for checkboxes and radio inputs. Created with only css
Toggle Switch component for react native, it works on iOS and Android.
A bang-bang controller node with dynamic setpoints and outputs
Essence Switch - Switch component
An iOS style on/off toggle for checkboxes and radio inputs. Created with only css
Vue on-off switch component
Toggle Switch component for react native, it works on iOS and Android. this is forked from
A Node-RED node to parse and convert several types of on/off, start/stop, true/false values.
Dynamic Thermostat
Based on Bootstrap Toggle, React Bootstrap Toggle Switch is a highly flexible Bootstrap plugin that toggles between checkbox style values.
Toggle Switch component for react native, it works on iOS and Android.
A vue component with two way binding via v-model a boolean value toggle true/false
ToggleGroup - A map like data structure to handle multiple toggle(-able) elements
Switch provides display checked/unchecked (On/Off) state on the button.
Toggle Switch component for react native, it works on iOS and Android.