pyOSC inspired library for sending and receiving OSC messages
pyOSC inspired library for sending and receiving OSC messages
OSC library for Node.js and the browser, with customizable Plugin API for WebSocket, UDP or bridge networking
less-watch-cli ==============
Web server for participative art performances and installations.
A tiny OSC message receiver.
A tiny OSC message emitter.
osc command-line interface
Fully TypeScript-native OSC Client based on osc-min
MakeHaus TilesHub client library required by node-red-contrib-makehaus
simple command line utility for osc
Stream for parsing and returning OSM objects from an OSC or OSM data stream
Node.js Javascript/Typescript library for keeping and resolving a given state of CasparCG into commands for casparcg-connection.
A minimalistic nodejs client to speak to the MakeProAudio Tiles Hub
A Read Eval Print loop for Open Sound Control messages
osc command-line interface
OSC message decoder/encoder with fault tolerant
broadcast osc messages over the network
A JavaScript implementation of the TUIO protocol for multitouch and tangible interaction for NodeWebkit (nwjs).
Cordova OSC Plugin
OpenSoundControl wrapper for Lucidity.