DEPRECATED. Have a look at @signpdf/signpdf instead.
DEPRECATED. Have a look at @signpdf/signpdf instead.
Simple signing of PDFs in node.
Simple signing of PDFs in node.
Simple signing of PDFs in node.
My custom library
PdfWarp for pdf signer and anythings
Simple signing of PDFs in node. Modified from vbuch/node-signpdf with pkcs1 schema
Try to add a signature placeholder to a PDF using plain string modifications.
A Node.js SDK for Criipto Signatures
Simple signing of PDFs in node.
Use PDF-LIB to insert a signature placeholder.
Use foliojs/PDFKit 0.11+ to insert a signature placeholder.
Use foliojs/PDFKit 0.10 to insert a signature placeholder.
Try to add a signature placeholder to a PDF using plain string modifications.
Sign using a P12 certificate.
Simple signing of PDFs in node.
Utilities for the @signpdf packages.