The reference implementation of the Pandino API specification
The reference implementation of the Pandino API specification
Pandino public API
Pandino Persistence Manager API
Localstorage implementation of the Pandino Persistence Manager API
In Memory implementation of the Pandino Persistence Manager API
React helpers and hooks for applications using Pandino
Utility plugin to help manage Pandino Manifest file generation / maintenance
Activator Resolver supporting UMD modules for browsers
Utility plugin to help manage Pandino Manifest file generation / maintenance
Install Bundles defined in a browser's DOM
Install Bundles defined in the filesystem
[![build-test](https://github.com/BlackBeltTechnology/pandino/actions/workflows/build-test.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/BlackBeltTechnology/pandino/actions/workflows/build-test.yml) [![license](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-EPL%20v2.0-blue.sv
Pandino Configuration Management API
Reference implementation of the Pandino Event Admin API
Pandino Event API
filter parser and evaluator utility for Pandino
Bundle loading configuration for the DOM
Bundle loading configuration for NodeJS
Pandino Log API
manifest generator utility to help manage Pandino Manifest file generation / maintenance