Mock both 2D and WebGL contexts in Jest.
Mock both 2D and WebGL contexts in Jest.
Pixi integration with EsotericSoftware Spine, big, contains all runtimes
Particle emitter for Pixi.js
WebAudio API playback library with filters
an animation library using easing functions
PixiJS template for JSDoc 3
Tools for using pixi in Expo
Plugin for Pixi.js which provides a convenient way of adding a text input to the pixijs-stage.
Multi-Style Text for pixi.js
UNDER DEVELOPMENT Lightweight game engine for PixiJS featuring responsive layout, scenes, sprites, camera, transitions and PSD exporting.
Let pixi.js support apng, gif images
WebGL performance monitor that showing percentage of GPU/CPU load
Super fast 2D rendering engine for browserify, that uses WebGL with a context 2d fallback.
Batch rendering library for PixiJS applications
CJK support for Pixi.js
PIXI renderer for NeutrinoParticles
PIXI plugin for the PixiAnimate Extension
custom pixi particles
typescript scene engine for pixi.js 8.3.3
Extra pixi pointer and touch events