Postal Codes
Postal Codes
US state names and postal codes
EventEmitter replacement with AMQP-style bindings and other advanced features. Compatible with postal.js's API.
postal.js add-on that provides a request/response pattern API.
EventEmitter replacement with AMQP-style bindings and other advanced features. Compatible with postal.js's API.
A JavaScript library to produce international postal addresses formatted by region for node and the web
A tiny and fast event bus with AMQP and Postal.js-like functionality
A tiny and fast event bus with AMQP and Postal.js-like functionality
A library to normalize and convert any variations of US state names and abbreviations.
Suomalaiset postinumerot, finnish postalcodes
A list of regular expressions for zip codes
A list of US ZIP codes and their geolocations
The simple, configurable, dynamic postal address form plugin.
Check if a zip/postal code is valid.
mappings from USPS code to US state name
ZIP code validation and parsing
A base plugin for federating instances of postal.js across various boundaries.
postal.js/postal.federation plugin for federating instances of postal.js across iframe/window boundaries.
Light, fast, tree-based way to get cities by zipcode and location.
Lookup data regarding any US zipcode: city, state, and more