CSS minifier for Broccoli, using clean-css
CSS minifier for Broccoli, using clean-css
Use postcss to process your css with a large selection of JavaScript plug-ins.
Preprocess your stylesheets with multiple preprocessors like node-sass, postcss or less
Postprocessor that polyfills CSS
Myth - Postprocessor that polyfills CSS
i18next-emoji-postprocessor is a postProcessor plugin for i18next using in Node.js and in the browser that replaces all words with emojis.
Automatically support flexbox in older versions of IE in your Ember app
Generic file processing library
PostHTML plugin for Rollup
Transforming JSON with plugins.
Searches for certain patterns and creates a theme css afterwards
pleeease plugin for less.js
CSS minifier for Broccoli, using more-css
Rework plugin for hwb/hwba color functions
Grunt Task that uses jsdom to postprocess compiled HTML files with jQuery
Adjust the text rag of your documents for better readability.
faux ASCII post-processing effect in GLSL
Media Queries combiner for Broccoli, using CSS MQPacker
Use postcss to process your css with a large selection of JavaScript plug-ins.
Media Queries combiner for Broccoli with CSS MQPacker