sreporter is a Command-Line Interface to generate Front-End linters reporters for the SonarQube plugin
sreporter is a Command-Line Interface to generate Front-End linters reporters for the SonarQube plugin
stylelint shareable config for the Kraftvaerk CSS style guide
stylelint shareable config for the Kraftvaerk CSS style guide
Factory-Utils Linter contains configuration files for various linters
SassLint shareable config
sreporter is a Command-Line Interface to generate Front-End linters reporters for the SonarQube plugin
sass-lint config for Mitsue-Links
Configuration for Stylelint with SCSS and properties order
Wrapper around CSSLint for LESS and SASS
Command line interface to the UniteJS zero configuration web app creation tool.
Engine for the UniteJS zero configuration web app creation tool.
Style checks for web projects using common rules.
Recommended Sass Lint settings for !NC projects
Lint your .scss files as part of your build process.
Style checks with tools for web projects using common rules.
Lint all of frontend codes
All-in-one code checker with ready configs and scripts: ESLint, StyleLint, Prettier
Style checks for web projects using common rules.