Create, preview (browser/iOS Simulator), and send custom email templates for Node.js. Made for Forward Email and Lad.
Create, preview (browser/iOS Simulator), and send custom email templates for Node.js. Made for Forward Email and Lad.
Build SendGrid X-SMTPAPI headers in nodejs.
SendGrid transport object for Nodemailer.
Sendgrid provider for strapi email
A secretlint rule for sendgrid api keys.
Simple sendgrid adapter for parse server
LoopBack connector for Twilio & SendGrid
Sending e-mail node using SendGrid service
The easiest way to send mail with sendgrid.
Loopback connector for SendGrid
Adapter for using customizing email template of parse-server using sendgrid
nodemailer transport loader for periodicjs
This library allows you to quickly and easily use the Sendgrid API V3 via Node.js.
Is a API Wrapper to send emails using SendGrid
Sendgrid emails intergration for Node Engine
Feathers Sendgrid Service
Url Resolver for react native apps
Sendgrid Web API
AdonisJS SendGrid mail service provider