Extend an object with the properties of additional objects. node.js/javascript util.
Extend an object with the properties of additional objects. node.js/javascript util.
Recursively (deep) clone JavaScript native types, like Object, Array, RegExp, Date as well as primitives.
Creates a shallow clone of any JavaScript value.
Like lodash isEqualWith but for shallow equal.
Mixin the own and inherited properties of other objects onto the first object. Pass an empty object as the first arg to shallow clone.
Does a shallow comparison of two objects, returning false if the keys or values differ.
Typescript-compatible minimalistic shallow equality check for arrays/objects
make a shallow copy of an object or array
Like lodash isEqualWith but for shallow equal.
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Shallow clones an object while respecting the original property descriptors
Copy or deep clone a value to an arbitrary depth.
extend and merge objects, deep or shallow
Shallowly compares two objects
Shallow deep equal assertion for chai
Parse, normalize and validate given semver shorthand (e.g. gulp@v3.8.10) to object.
Determine if an array or object is equivalent with another, *not* recursively
Test for shallow equality between two objects or arrays.
React Hooks for shallow rendering
compare two objects or arrays and return the diff (add/updated/removed/unchanged)