Extracts string messages from translation from modules that use React Intl.
Extracts string messages from translation from modules that use React Intl.
Single-file Component Loader
A gulp plugin used to parse Vue single-file component into wechat MINA files(wxml, wxss, js, json).
Extracts string messages from translation from modules that use React Intl.
Vite plugin for inlining all JavaScript and CSS resources
Pug that adds BEM shortcuts to plain html loader for webpack
Compile single-file vue components to js and css strings.
A piece of middleware for node/express servers that combines dependent JavaScript and CSS into single files as needed for a given page
Flexible single file script for serving basic information.
A Gulp plugin that let's you build single file components (as made famous by Vue) and use them in other environments by splitting the vue-files into separate files.
Bundle apps for single-file distribution
Vite plugin for inlining JavaScript and CSS resources
Pug that adds BEM shortcuts to plain html loader for webpack
A Simple Compiler To Merge Multiple Files Into A Single File Application.
Farm plugin to inline all JS, CSS, media into one index.html file
Compile a Hooks project into a single file.
JSONBLite is a single file, key-value binary JSON database, written as TypeScript class for Node.js. A simple, persistent JSON/CBOR storage.
Vite plugin for inlining JavaScript and CSS resources
<div align="center"> <img src="" height="128" /> <h1>SingleFile Escaped 📦🧣</h1> <h3><a href="">Vit
The unofficial node-application-to-standalone-executable compiler, complete with ESBuild support.