Transform a string by swapping every character from upper to lower case, or lower to upper case
Transform a string by swapping every character from upper to lower case, or lower to upper case
Proxies nodejs require in order to allow overriding dependencies during testing.
Transform stream that lets you peek the first line before deciding how to parse it
Simple, intuitive mocking of Node.js modules.
Swap two items in an array. Does not modify the Array prototype.
A simple temp file based swap for speeding up operations
Advanced dependency mocking device.
100+ assorted binary / bitwise operations, conversions, utilities, lookup tables
React component swaps still image with preloaded GIF on click
An iterable is a sequence of values.
Rename import sources
Range content change operator for arrays and array-like objects
Exchanges two values.
Exchanges two values.
Exchanges two values.
Exchanges two values.
A transform that swaps out modules according to a config in your package.json selected via an environment variable.
Swap endianness in byte arrays.
Rename import sources
Uniswap utils