A Test-Anything-Protocol library for JavaScript
A Test-Anything-Protocol library for JavaScript
Plugin for the [TAP](https://node-tap.org/) test framework. This plugin verify if the value matches the provided JSON schema.
A copy of @tapjs/dummy-plugin, but with a different name
a make believe clock for tests involving time
Create a tap plugin with 'npm init @tapjs/plugin'
Alternative to @tapjs/typescript. Load typescript using @esbuild-kit/cjs-loader and @esbuild-kit/esm-loader instead of ts-node.
tap plugin providing t.only() and grep option
Tap plugin to provide t.testdir() and t.fixture()
a built-in tap extension for t.intercept() and t.capture()
An optional plugin adding Mocha-like BDD and TDD interfaces to the global environment when tap is loaded.
tap plugin adding t.mockRequire() and t.mockImport()
Stream TAP test data as a serialized node:test stream
a sinon extension for tap
A default tap plugin that adds snapshot functionality.
a built-in tap extension for t.spawn()
a built-in tap extension for t.after() and t.teardown()
a built-in tap extension for t.afterEach()
Tap plugin that adds a heaping pile of assertion methods. Pretty much all of the "test" methods other than `t.pass`, `t.fail`, and [snapshot methods](https://tapjs.github.io/tapjs/modules/_tapjs_snapshot.html) come from this plugin.
a built-in tap extension for t.before()
extend the @tapjs/asserts methods with various aliases