Remove leading indentation from ES6 template literals.
Remove leading indentation from ES6 template literals.
Convert raw escape sequences to their respective characters (undo String.raw).
Template literal tag to remove excess whitespace and newlines from strings.
ES2015 template literal tag for i18n and l10n translation and localization
Apply transformations on static contents of tagged template string literals
Converts multiline ES6 template strings to a single line & removes extra whitespace.
Templiteral is a light-weight tool to reactively generate and update markup in-browser without the need for any framework or dependencies. Designed to work with the `customElements` spec, Templiteral can be used to manage native data, property and event b
Determine if the JS environment has template literal support.
Remove extra indentation from multiline strings.
Generates a json schema for all i18n tagged template literals in your project
Translates i18n tagged template literals based on a json configuration
Tagged template literal mapping markdown style tables into objects
template literal engine
Minify html in template literals.
Tagged templates to enhance your text processing experience
Remove leading indentation from ES6 template literals.
Iterate over objects created from markdown style tables
Plugin to minify CSS content of tagged template string literals
Minify html in template literals.
Servelet is a simple module to serve dynamic page modules and static pages.