HTML template strings for the Browser with support for Server Side Rendering in Node.
HTML template strings for the Browser with support for Server Side Rendering in Node.
Write nice template literals with newlines, but format as a single-line string
Use popular noise functions within glsl written in JS/TS Template-Strings
A tiny JavaScript library providing some useful template tag functions.
HTML template strings
Remove indentation inside strings.
Remove tabs which are added between multi-line template strings by using tagged
I18n using template strings.
ES2015 tagged template string to create arrays from strings with new lines
Minimalist view layer for the web
String manipulation and helper functions kit for basekits.
Use TOML to construct object literals directly in JavaScript
Utility for documenting code in runtime
add or remove or emit events with template strings
Vite Plugin DTemplate
Converts Handlebars Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) back to template string.
Replace template character
String and object template engine for Node.js and the browser.
A Template literal converts s-expression to json which support variable embedding.