tools for generative natural language
tools for generative natural language
npm package to calculate statistics from text to determine readability, complexity and grade level of a particular corpus.
YoastSEO content assessments for Netlify CMS.
Determine if some character in a string satisfies a condition
Very compact and simple to use sentiment analysis lib
Post-processing tools for Fountain screenplays
Node-RED node to access alchemy API for sentiment analsyis of text
A package for building and analyzing word nGrams
Machine Learning for Textual Data with JavaScript
Lightweight Sentiment Analysis Client.
Determine textual likeness with Language Style Matching
Data Analysis Tools for JavaScript
Yoast clientside page analysis for string only
Screewriting tools
Machine Learning for Textual Data with JavaScript
A Gavagai API helper library
A TFIDF analysis package that allows for tokens of any word length
npm package to calculate statistics from text to determine readability, complexity and grade level of a particular corpus.
persistent implementation of statistical classification for node.js
DropSuit NLP - bow function: A JavaScript and Node.js library for generating a bag of words from input and data requests