Make your web apps work with Solid Pods.
Make your web apps work with Solid Pods.
Lightning fast, asynchronous, streaming Turtle / N3 / RDF library.
Convenience functions for creating and serializing RDF terms and quads following Turtle/SPARQL syntax
N3 parser that implements the RDF/JS Sink interface
Provides isomorphic stream interface for node.js / browser and adds `.until`, a promisified version of the `.on` event listener
Create instances of Terms and Triples/Quads. Implements @RDFJS DataFactory
# Installation
an RDF library for node.js. Suitable for client and server side.
Serialize RDF fast
RDF Turtle content scriber for fast and simple output
RDF TriG content scriber for fast and simple output
RDF/XML content scriber for fast and simple output
Serialize RDF conveniently and with style
Create a dataset of quads in memory for comparison and set operations such as union, intersection, difference, etc.
This vocabulary defines terms used in SHACL, the W3C Shapes Constraint Language.
Toolkit for working with linked-deltas
Toolkit for working with collections, lists, arrays in RDF
Single-threaded RDF Turtle content reader
Single-threaded RDF N-Triples content reader
Work with linked delta actions quick and easy