Fully type-checked EventEmitter
Fully type-checked EventEmitter
Material UI Angular library
A simple annotation component.
A medium's like reading time estimator with internationalization support
Is this password stroganoff, or beef stew?
A library of math tools for JavaScript and TypeScript. Calculate percentages, angles, coordinates, time differences, geometry etc.
A library of TypeScript tools. Just a few helpers for defining more specific types.
React implementation of the SVG Loaders library by Sam Herbert
Proper decorator-based transformation / serialization / deserialization of plain javascript classes to angular reactive forms
xfconf-query wrapper for nodejs
A library of string for JavaScript and TypeScript. Find emails in string, strip html tags, validate password etc.
A simple library for Discord bot tests
Swagger client for @ravimosharksas/apis-contract-libs-angular
Swagger client for @ravimosharksas/apis-task-libs-angular
A library of tools for JavaScript and TypeScript. Handle cookies and timers that can be paused and resumed, etc.
TS adapted Java Optional class with extra utility classes.
How to make object as array? This TypeScript library makes objects as Array like and iterable.
A library that provides bootstrap functionality and process management tools for JavaScript applications
Swagger client for @ravimosharksas/apis-piece-libs-angular
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