Curried function deriving a new array containing items from given array for which predicate returns true. Supports unary function, RegExp, dot/bracket-notation string path, and compound query object as predicate.
Curried function deriving a new array containing items from given array for which predicate returns true. Supports unary function, RegExp, dot/bracket-notation string path, and compound query object as predicate.
The lodash method `_.unary` exported as a module.
Creates a unary function wrapper which extracts a specific argument by index and applies the argument to the original unary function.
Enforce function arity in JavaScript
tritwise operations
Set of Shennon-Fano, Elias gamma, Huffman and Unary encoding algorithms
Object for parsing javascript operators from variables
Clips function argument lengths.
Chuck Norris programing language, code only with zeroes
Expressive grpc client/server, with plugabble encoding
The if statement (or unary operator) for promises
R.unary exported as a module
A wrapper around Most.js 1.0 providing an auto-curried API + a few minor changes
The pkg is builded for solving unary function.
Function wrapper that returns an array of functions that all have single arity, which invokes the original function when all the later functions have been called
R.unary exported as a module
The pkg is builded for solving unary function.
Apply a unary callback to elements in a broadcasted nested input array and assign results to elements in a three-dimensional nested output array.
Apply a unary callback to elements in a broadcasted nested input array and assign results to elements in a four-dimensional nested output array.