ESLint rules to disallow unsafe regular expressions.
ESLint rules to disallow unsafe regular expressions.
Replacement for _.template (underscore or lodash) without unsafe evals.
Rename unsafe react lifecycle: componentWillMount by UNSAFE_componentWillMount, componentWillReceiveProps by UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps and componentWillUpdate by UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate
Unsafe mutations for fun and profit
Angular filter for $sce.trustAs
Scans source code packages for potential javascript vulnerabilities listed as strings or regular expressions.
Join pathes, return undefined if resulting path is not inside of the first path.
OWASP Unsafe Passwords
Adds support for the 'safe' and 'unsafe' overflow alignment keywords in Tailwind
Assign to an object at an inner property, creating intermediate properties if necessary, clobbering anything in it's way
https agent with rejectUnauthorized = false
push to an array at property, create intermediate properties if necessary, clobbering anything in it's way
set value at property, create intermediate properties if necessary, clobbering anything in it's way
Yet another replacement for _.template (underscore or lodash) without unsafe evals.
Allocate a buffer having a specified number of bytes.