Virtual file format for text processing
Virtual file format for text processing
vfile utility to create a virtual message
vfile utility to convert between positional (line and column-based) and offset (range-based) locations
vfile utility to create a report for a file
vfile utility to read and write to the file system
vfile utility to count messages per category: failures, warnings, etc
vfile utility to sort messages by line/column
vfile utility to find one or more files by searching the file system upwards
vfile utility to find one or more files by searching the file system downwards
vfile utility to convert to ESLint formatter compatible output
vfile utility to create a pretty report for a file
Search files with glob pattern and create VFile objects from them
Format [**vfile**](https://github.com/vfile/vfile)s using a stylish reporter with position output and a summary line.
vfile utility to parse the YAML front matter in a file
vfile utility to create a JSON report for a file
Convert a Vinyl file to a VFile
vfile utility to rename the path parts of a file
vfile utility to make sure the directory of a file exists on the file system
Update paths in nested vfile contents.
VFile message daemon and LSP Server