VK API bindings for React
VK API bindings for React
🤖 VK bot framework for Node.js, based on Bots Long Poll API and Callback API
Library for creating Vkontakte bots with ease.
Node.js SDK for Vkontakte API (
node API library for VK social network
Count activity of VK group subscribers, sum up and convert to points
Botact enables developers to focus on writing reusable application logic instead of spending time building infrastructure.
NodeJS Lib for VK API
Easy VK API module for Node.js
🤖 VK bot framework for Node.js, based on Bots Long Poll API, Promises, EventEmmiter and TypeScript
VK Lib for better performance
Easily work with vk api methods with promise
Small wrapper for calling VK methods API.
🤖 VK bot framework for Node.js, based on Bots Long Poll API and Callback API
Comfortable and fast VK API accessor
NodeJS Lib for VK API
VK longpoll listener
VK api calls through execute method
🤖 VK bot framework for Node.js, based on Bots Long Poll API, Promises, EventEmmiter and TypeScript