Webpack loader for creating SVG sprites
Webpack loader for creating SVG sprites
CSS style loader for Webpack optimized for critical path CSS rendering and isomoprhic web apps
Webpack loader creating Flow type definitions from CSS Modules files
Webpack loader and plugin to generate a SVG sprite with <symbol> elements and inject it in html built by html-webpack-plugin
Transparently require() remote contents (node moudles) in webpack !
Using a match function to automatic import your own project's components
A gray-matter loader module for webpack
CSS style loader for Webpack optimized for critical path CSS rendering and isomoprhic web apps
A webpack loader used to resolve alias (typically in .less)
coffeescript 2 loader for webpack
Isomorphic CSS style loader for Webpack
jsx template loader
A Webpack loader that executes tasks and transforms them into results at build time
Highlight angular component template and copy as snippet
a webpack loader to package a lib
Isomorphic CSS style loader for Webpack
Webpack 5 loader for creating SVG sprites
CSS style loader for Webpack optimized for critical path CSS rendering and isomoprhic web apps
Webpack loader that applies string.replace to a file