xliff2js and js2xliff converter xliff utils
xliff2js and js2xliff converter xliff utils
A Typescript library to work with Angular generated i18n files (xliff, xmb)
Some tooling to be used with the Angular 2 i18n workflow
Some tooling to be used with the Angular i18n workflow
A Typescript library to work with Angular generated i18n files (xliff, xmb)
Schematics to add the tooling to be used with the Angular 2 i18n workflow
json / xliff converter utils using es5
``` //target language is fr gulp.src('./test.xlf') .pipe(xliff2json()) .pipe(gulp.dest('./')) //result is test.fr.json ```
A translation tool for Angular i18n
Soyer is small lib for serverside use of Google Closure Templates with node.js
A command line xlf to txt file converter (for use with Coastline).
Markdown to XLIFF converter
Loads an Xliff file in Webpack and outputs an object where `resname`s are keys and `target`s are values.
xliff2js and js2xliff converter xliff utils
Compile Goggle Closure Templates ( SOY ) templates inclding the handling of XLIFF language files. ( Details for SOY: https://developers.google.com/closure/templates/ )
gulp plugin to transform XLIFF into Collaborne/carbon-i18n-behavior-compatible JS files
Converts *.langdef files to *.xlf files
A tool that allows to import development language XLIFF files straight into the IB documents (storyboards and xibs)
A simple module to create xliff files
CLI Localization library