1.0.0-semantically-released • Published 2 years ago

@msamir2000/frontend-app-account-injaz v1.0.0-semantically-released

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Last release
2 years ago

|ci-badge| |Codecov| |npm_version| |npm_downloads| |license| |semantic-release|


Please tag @edx/community-engineering on any PRs or issues. Thanks!


This is a micro-frontend application responsible for the display and updating of a user's account information.

What is the domain of this MFE?

In this MFE: Private user settings UIs. Public facing profile is in a separate MFE (Profile) <https://github.com/edx/frontend-app-profile>_

  • Account settings page

  • Demographics collection

  • IDV (Identity Verification)


This MFE is bundled with Devstack <https://github.com/edx/devstack>, see the Getting Started <https://github.com/edx/devstack#getting-started> section for setup instructions.

  1. Install Devstack using the Getting Started <https://github.com/edx/devstack#getting-started>_ instructions.

  2. Start up Devstack, if it's not already started.

  3. Log in to Devstack (http://localhost:18000/login )

  4. Within this project, install requirements and start the development server:

    .. code-block::

    npm install npm start # The server will run on port 1997

  5. Once the dev server is up, visit http://localhost:1997 to access the MFE

    .. image:: ./docs/images/localhost_preview.png

Environment Variables/Setup Notes

This MFE is configured via environment variables supplied at build time. All micro-frontends have a shared set of required environment variables, as documented in the Open edX Developer Guide under Required Environment Variables <https://edx.readthedocs.io/projects/edx-developer-docs/en/latest/developers_guide/micro_frontends_in_open_edx.html#required-environment-variables>__.

The account settings micro-frontend also supports the following additional variable:


Example: https://support.example.com

The fully-qualified URL to the support page in the target environment.

edX-specific Environment Variables

Furthermore, there are several edX-specific environment variables that enable integrations with closed-source services private to the edX organization, and are unsupported in Open edX. Enabling these environment variables will result in undefined behavior in Open edX installations:


Example: true | '' (empty strings are falsy)

Enables support for a section of the micro-frontend that helps users arrange for coaching sessions. Integrates with a private coaching plugin and is only used by edx.org.


Example: true | '' (empty strings are falsy)

Enables support for a section of the account settings page where a user can enter demographics information. Integrates with a private demographics service and is only used by edx.org.


Example: https://demographics.example.com

Required only if ENABLE_DEMOGRAPHICS_COLLECTION is true. The fully-qualified URL to the private demographics service in the target environment.

Example build syntax with a single environment variable:

.. code:: bash

NODE_ENV=development ACCESS_TOKEN_COOKIE_NAME='edx-jwt-cookie-header-payload' npm run build

For more information see the document: Micro-frontend applications in Open edX <https://edx.readthedocs.io/projects/edx-developer-docs/en/latest/developers_guide/micro_frontends_in_open_edx.html#required-environment-variables>__.

Known Issues


Development Roadmap

We don't have anything planned for the core of the MFE (the account settings page) - this MFE is currently in maintenance mode. There may be a replacement for IDV coming down the pipe, so that may be DEPRed. In the future, it's possible that demographics could be modeled as a plugin rather than being hard-coded into this MFE.


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