1.0.1 • Published 3 years ago

@r35007/mock-server-lite v1.0.1

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3 years ago

Mock Server Lite npm.io npm.io npm.io

Get a full REST API with zero coding in less than 30 seconds (seriously)

Created with <3 for front-end developers who need a quick back-end for prototyping and mocking.

Now also available as a VSCodeExtension thinker.mock-server-lite.

This is the lite version of MocK Server.

Table of contents

Getting started

Install Mock Server

npm install -g @r35007/mock-server-lite

Create a db.json file with some data.

  "posts": [{ "id": 1, "title": "mock-server", "author": "r35007" }],
  "comments": [{ "id": 1, "body": "some comment", "postId": 1 }],
  "profile": { "name": "r35007" }

Start Mock Server

mock-server --watch ./db.json

Now if you go to http://localhost:3000/posts/1, you'll get

{ "id": 1, "title": "mock-server", "author": "r35007" }

Using JS Module

First install nodemon for watching changes

npm install -g nodemon

Create server.js File

const { MockServer } = require("@r35007/mock-server-lite"); // use import if using ES6 module

const mockServer = new MockServer("./config.json"); // Creates a Mock Server instance
// or
// const mockServer = MockServer.Create("./config.json"); // Creates a Mock Server single instance

); // Starts the Mock Server.


const app = mockServer.app;

const rewriter = mockServer.rewriter("./rewriters.json");
app.use(rewriter); // make sure to add this before defaults and resources

const defaults = mockServer.defaults({ noGzip: true });

const resources = mockServer.resources(

const defaultRoutes = mockServer.defaultRoutes();

// make sure to add this at last

mockServer.startServer(3000, "localhost");

Now go to terminal and type the following command to start the Mock Server.

nodemon server.js

Route Config

Create a db.json file. Pay attention to start every route with /. For Example:


  "/route/1, /route/2": {
    // /route/1 and /route/2 shares the same config and mock data
    "_config": true, // Make sure to set this to true to use this object as a route configuration.
    "id": "id-unique", // sets a unique id for each route
    "description": "", // Description about this Route.
    "delay": 2000, // in milliseconds
    "statusCode": 200, // in number between 100 to 600
    "middlewareNames": ["_IterateResponse"], // list of middleware names to be called
    "middlewares": "", // Can give a list of express Middlewares If using in .js file
    "mock": [{ "name": "foo" }, { "name": "bar" }],
    "store": {} // helps to store any values for later use
  "/routeName3": {
    "name": "foo",
    "age": "bar",
    "description": "Note: Since _config attribute is not set to true this whole object will be sent as a response"

Set Delay Response

delay helps you to set a custom delay to your routes. Note : The delay yo set must be in milliseconds and of type number

  "/customDelay": {
    "_config": true,
    "delay": 2000,
    "description": "Note: give delay in milliseconds",
    "mock": "This is response is received with a delay of 2000 milliseconds"

Now if you go to http://localhost:3000/customDelay, you'll get the response in a delay of 2 seconds.

Set Custom StatusCode

statusCode helps you set a custom statusCode to your routes. It must be of type number and between 100 to 600.

  "/customStatusCode": {
    "_config": true,
    "statusCode": 500,
    "mock": "This is response is received with a statusCode of 500"

Now if you go to http://localhost:3000/customStatusCode, you'll get the response with a 500 statusCode

Add Middleware

You can add n number of middleware to a route which helps you to manipulate or log the data.


exports.DataWrapper = (req, res, next) => {
  res.locals.data = {
    status: "Success",
    message: "Retrived Successfully",
    result: res.locals.data,


  "/customMiddleware": {
    "_config": true,
    "description": "Note: This middleware must be available in the 'middleware.js' by the below given names. This 'DataWrapper' will be called on every hit of this route.",
    "mock": "This data will be wrapped by the middleware response object",
    "middlewareNames": ["DataWrapper"]

Note: A middleware must be available at the name of the middlewareNames given in db.json http://localhost:3000/customMiddleware.

Middleware Utils

Use the predefined middleware to speedup your development and for ease of access.


setting middleware to _IterateResponse helps to send you a iterate the response one after the other in the mock array for each url hit.


  "/middleware/utils/example/_IterateResponse": {
    "_config": true,
    "description": "This route iterates through each data. Try to hit again to see the data change. Note: The data must be of type array",
    "mock": [
        "userId": 1,
        "id": 1,
        "title": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit.",
        "body": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Est, dolorem."
        "userId": 1,
        "id": 2,
        "title": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit.",
        "body": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Est, dolorem."
        "userId": 1,
        "id": 3,
        "title": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit.",
        "body": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Est, dolorem."
    "middlewareNames": ["_IterateResponse"]

Now go and hit http://localhost:3000/middleware/utils/example/_IterateResponse. For each hit you will get the next object in an array from the photos data.


setting middleware to _IterateRoutes helps to send you a iterate the route one after the other in the mock array for each url hit.


  "/middleware/utils/example/_IterateRoutes": {
    "_config": true,
    "description": "This route iterates through each route provide in the mock. Try to hit again to see the route change. Note: The data must be of type array",
    "mock": ["/injectors/1", "/injectors/2"],
    "middlewareNames": ["_IterateRoutes"]
  "/injectors/1": "/injectors/1 data",
  "/injectors/2": "/injectors/2 data"

Now go and hit http://localhost:3000/middleware/utils/example/_IterateRoutes. For each hit the route is passed to next matching url provided in the mock list.


_AdvancedSearch middleware helps to filter and do the advanced search from data.Following are the operations performed by this method.


Use . to access deep properties

GET /posts?title=mock-server&author=typicode
GET /posts?id=1&id=2
GET /comments?author.name=typicode


Use _page and optionally _limit to paginate returned data.

In the Link header you'll get first, prev, next and last links.

GET /posts?_page=7
GET /posts?_page=7&_limit=20

10 items are returned by default


Add _sort and _order (ascending order by default)

GET /posts?_sort=views&_order=asc
GET /posts/1/comments?_sort=votes&_order=asc

For multiple fields, use the following format:

GET /posts?_sort=user,views&_order=desc,asc


Add _start and _end or _limit (an X-Total-Count header is included in the response)

GET /posts?_start=20&_end=30
GET /posts/1/comments?_start=20&_end=30
GET /posts/1/comments?_start=20&_limit=10

Works exactly as Array.slice (i.e. _start is inclusive and _end exclusive)


Add _gte or _lte for getting a range

GET /posts?views_gte=10&views_lte=20

Add _ne to exclude a value

GET /posts?id_ne=1

Add _like to filter (RegExp supported)

GET /posts?title_like=server

Full text search

Add q or _text

GET /posts?q=internet&_text=success


_CrudOperations middleware handles all the crud operations of the given data. By default it also handles the _AdvancedSearch operations. Note : the mock must of type Array of objects and must contain a unique value of attribute id. this id attribute can also be changes using config.id.

For example: config.json

  "id": "_id"


_SetStoreDataToMock sets every store data to Mock data. This overrides the existing mock with the store.


_ReadOnly forbidden every Http method calls except GET call.


Injectors helps to inject a Route Configs explicitly. This also helps to provide a common route configs. Injector uses path-to-regexp pattern recognition to set config for multiple routes.

Inject Route Configs

Here we are explicitly injecting delay, middlewareNames, statusCode to the /posts route. You can any route configs to a specific or to a group of routes using Injectors.

  • Injectors use path-to-regexp package for route pattern recognition.
  • Click path-to-regexp for more details.

example : injectors.json

    "routeToMatch": "/injectors/:id",
    "description": "This description is injected using the injectors by matching the pattern '/injectors/:id'."

Override Existing Route Configs

Setting override flag to true helps to override the existing config of that route.

For example :


    "routeToMatch": "/injectors/2",
    "override": true,
    "mock": "This data is injected using the injectors by matching the pattern '/injectors/2'."
    "routeToMatch": "/injectors/:id",
    "override": true,
    "exact": true,
    "statusCode": 200,
    "mock": "This data is injected using the injectors by exactly matching the route '/injectors/:id'."
    "routeToMatch": "/(.*)",
    "override": true,
    "middlewareNames": ["...", "CustomLog"]

Note: Use ["..."] If you want to add the existing middlewareNames.

Common Route Configs

Using wildcards you can set a common route configs to all the routes. /(.*) - matches all the routes.

For example :


    "routeToMatch": "/(.*)",
    "description": "This Description is injected using the injectors. Set 'Override' flag to true to override the existing config values."
    "routeToMatch": "/(.*)",
    "override": true,
    "middlewareNames": ["...", "CustomLog"]

Make sure you give /(.*) at the end of the injectors.json object to set route configs to all the routes.

Store Data

Store used to store any values which can be used later for any purpose like response manipulation or logging etc..

Route Store

Route store helps to store any values which can be accessed on by that particular route. This stores values cannot be able to accessed by the other routes. Route Store can be accessed using res.locals.routeConfig.store inside the middleware.

The middlewareNames _CrudOperations, _IterateRoutes, _IterateResponse uses the Route store to manipulate response.

Local Store

Local Store helps to store and share data between routes. This can be accessed using res.locals.store inside the middleware.

Route Rewriters

Create a rewriters.json file. Pay attention to start every route with /.

  • Rewriters use express-urlrewrite package to rewrite the urls.
  • Click here for more information about url rewrite.
  "/api/*": "/$1",
  "/:resource/:id/show": "/:resource/:id",
  "/posts/:category": "/posts?category=:category",
  "/articles?id=:id": "/posts/:id"


const mockServer = MockServer.Create();

Now you can access resources using additional routes.

/api/posts # → /posts
/api/posts/1  # → /posts/1
/posts/1/show # → /posts/1
/posts/javascript # → /posts?category=javascript
/articles?id=1 # → /posts/1


res.locals helps to access the current route config, mock, statusCode etc.. Here are the available options in res.locals

interface Locals {
  routePath: string;
  routeConfig: {
    _config?: boolean;
    id?: string;
    description?: string;
    statusCode?: number;
    delay?: number;
    mock?: any;
    store?: object;
    middlewareNames?: string[];
    middlewares?: Array<express.RequestHandler>;
  data: any; // response will be sent using this attribute value.
  store: object;
  getDb: (ids?: string[], routePaths?: string[]) => Routes; // This method helps to get other route configs and values.
  config: Config; // gives you the current mock server configuration.

Dynamic Route Config

RouteConfigs are mutable. Means we can able to modify the routeConfigs in runtime using middleware. For Example:


exports._Status500 = (_req, res, next) => {
  const locals = res.locals;
  const routeConfig = locals.routeConfig;
  routeConfig.statusCode = 500;
  routeConfig.mock = "Failed Response";


you can provide your own config by passing the config object in the MockServer constructor. For Example :

server.js :

// These are default config. You can provide your custom config as well.
const config = {
  port: 3000, // by default mock will be launched at this port. http://localhost:3000/
  host: "localhost",
  root: process.cwd(), // all paths will be relative to this path. Please provide a absolute path here.
  base: "/", // all routes will be prefixed with the given baseUrl.
  staticDir: "public", // Please provide a folder path. This will be hosted locally and all files will be statically accessed
  reverse: false, // If true routes will be generated in reverse order
  bodyParser: true, // Sets the bodyParser
  id: "id", // Set the id attribute here. Helps to do Crud Operations. For example: 'id': "_id"
  logger: true, // If False no logger will be shown
  noCors: false, // If false cross origin will not be handled
  noGzip: false, // If False response will not be compressed
  readOnly: false, // If true only GET call is allowed

new MockServer(config).launchServer("./db.json");

Default Routes

Home Page

Home Page

CLI Usage

$ mock-server --help
  -c, --config           Path to config file                            [string]
  -P, --port             Set port                                [default: 3000]
  -H, --host             Set host                         [default: "localhost"]
  -m, --middleware       Paths to middleware file                      [string]
  -i, --injectors        Path to Injectors file                         [string]
  -s, --store            Path to Store file                             [string]
  -r, --rewriters        Path to Rewriter file                          [string]
      --staticDir, --sd  Set static files directory                     [string]
  -b, --base             Set base route path                            [string]
      --readOnly, --ro   Allow only GET requests                       [boolean]
      --noCors, --nc     Disable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing         [boolean]
      --noGzip, --ng     Disable GZIP Content-Encoding                 [boolean]
  -l, --logger           Enable logger                 [boolean] [default: true]
      --sample, --ex     Create Sample                [boolean] [default: false]
  -w, --watch            Watch file(s)                [boolean] [default: false]
  -S, --snapshots        Set snapshots directory                  [default: "."]
  -h, --help             Show help                                     [boolean]
  -v, --version          Show version number                           [boolean]

  index.js db.json
  index.js --watch db.json
  index.js --sample --watch
  index.js http://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/db




returns the instance of the mockServer.

const { MockServer } = require("@r35007/mock-server-lite");
const mockServer = new MockServer("./config.json");


configstring / objectNoThis object sets the port, host etc..


returns the single instance of the mockServer.

const { MockServer } = require("@r35007/mock-server-lite");
const mockServer = MockServer.Create("./config.json");


configstring / objectNoThis object sets the port, host etc..


stops the server and clears the instance of the mockServer. returns promise

const { MockServer } = require("@r35007/mock-server-lite");
await MockServer.Destroy();


It validates all the params in the MockServer, loads the resources and starts the server.

  "./middleware.js", // middleware must be of type .js


dbstring / objectNoThis object generates the local rest api.
middlewarestring / objectNoHere you initialize the needed custom middleware
injectorsstring / objectNoHelps to inject a route configs for the existing routes
rewritersstring / objectNoHelps to set route rewriters
storestring / objectNoHelps to store values and share between routes


Sets the route rewrites and return the router of the rewriters;

const rewriters = mockServer.rewriter("./rewriters.json");


rewritersstring / objectNoGive the Rewrites


returns the list of default middlewares. Also helps to host a static directory.

const defaults = mockServer.defaults({ staticDir: "./public", readOnly: true });
  • options
    • staticDir path to static files
    • logger enable logger middleware (default: true)
    • bodyParser enable body-parser middleware (default: true)
    • noGzip disable Compression (default: false)
    • noCors disable CORS (default: false)
    • readOnly accept only GET requests (default: false)


Sets the routes and returns the resources router.

const resources = mockServer.resources(


dbstring / objectNoThis object generates the local rest api.
middlewarestring / objectNoHere you initialize the needed custom middleware
injectorsstring / objectNoHelps to inject a route configs for the existing routes
storestring / objectNoHelps to store values and share between routes


Returns router with some default routes.

const defaultsRoutes = mockServer.defaultRoutes();


adds a new data to the existing db.



dbobjectNoGive the new data to add to existing Db


Returns the routes

const routes = mockServer.getDb(); // If param is not present return all the route values


idsstring[]NoGive List of route ids
routePathsstring[]NoGive List of routePaths


Returns a Promise of Server. - helps to start the app server externally

const server = await mockServer.startServer(3000, "localhost");


portnumberNoSet custom Port
hoststringNoSet custom Host


Returns a Promise of Boolean. - helps to stop the app server externally

const isStopped = await mockServer.stopServer();


Clears out all values and resets the server for a fresh start. By default this method will be called on mockServer.stopServer() method.



It is a middleware to handle a page not found error. Please use it at the end of all routes.



It is a middleware to handle a any error occur in server. Please use it at the end of all routes.



set the db, middleware, injectors, rewriters, config, store

mockServer.setData(db, middleware, injectors, rewriters, store, config);


mockServer.setDb(Db, Injectors, options, entryCallBack, finallCallback);


The same as the MockServer


Other useful variables.

// Please avoid directly modify or setting values to these variable.
// Use Setter method to modify or set any values to these variables.
const app = mockServer.app;
const server = mockServer.server;
const router = mockServer.router;
const data = mockServer.data;

const db = mockServer.db;
const middleware = mockServer.middleware;
const injectors = mockServer.injectors;
const rewriters = mockServer.rewriters;
const config = mockServer.config;
const store = mockServer.store;
const initialDb = mockServer.initialDb;
const initialStore = mockServer.initialStore;


These helps to return a valid data from provided file path or object.

// called only when the given data is in .Har format and called at each entry
const entryCallback = (entry, routePath, routeConfig) => {
  return { [routePath]: routeConfig };
// called only when the given data is in .Har format and called at end of the entry loop
const finalCallBack = (data, db) => {
  return db; // what ever you return here will be given back

const options = {
  reverse: true, // If true the db will be generated in reverse order

const db = mockServer.getValidDb(
const middleware = mockServer.getValidMiddleware(middleware);
const injectors = mockServer.getValidInjectors(injectors);
const rewriters = mockServer.getValidRewriters(rewriters);
const config = mockServer.getValidConfig(config);
const store = mockServer.getValidStore(store);


Sivaraman - sendmsg2siva.siva@gmail.com
