1.0.15-1 • Published 5 years ago

@u-iris/iris-back v1.0.15-1

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5 years ago


Backend Utils for Iris

Build Setup

# install dependencies
npm install

# build for production with minification
npm run build

# run unit tests
npm run unit

# run e2e tests
npm run e2e

# run all tests
npm test

Import in your project

# install dependency
npm i @u-iris/iris-back --save


If you want add actuator for your Express Api :

import { actuator } from '@u-iris/iris-back'

const app = express()

Express Utils

Severals middleware for Express are availables :

  • parseJSON: transform body request to a JSON object
  • logRequests: log debug request
  • errorHandler: log the error and return the good status
  • enableCors: enable cors with cors plugin
  • enableCompression: enable compression with compression plugin
  • enableSecurity: enable security with helmet plugin
  • returnApplicationJson: add to the header the content-type application/json
import { expressUtils } from '@u-iris/iris-back'

const utils = expressUtils(logger)
const app = express()


You can create a logger that log in a file and in the console like that :

import { Logger } from '@u-iris/iris-back'

const logger = Logger.create('debug', 'd:\\temp\\myAppLog.log')
logger.info('my first log')

The library winston is used to create the logger.


You can use that to change variable's type

import { TypeUtils } from '@u-iris/iris-back'

let int = '8'
console.log(typeof int) //string
await TypeUtils.defineType(TypeUtils.TYPE.INT, int)
console.log(typeof int) //number

Advanced search

on mongodb

You can use searchUtils to use a advanced search (min, max , wildcard, list). If you want search with wildcard:

import { SearchUtils } from '@u-iris/iris-back'

//Your search's object
let object = {
  id: 1,

SearchUtils.searchStringObject(object, 'libelle', '*ui*')

object {
    id: 1,
    libelle: {
        $regex: `ui`i

on PostgreSQL with Sequelize

To use an advanced search, you must have Sequelize. Advanced search allows you to search on list, on string with wildcard, between two numbers (min, max) or dates (after, before)

import SearchUtilsPostgre from '@u-iris/searchUtilsPostgre'
async function findAll(query) {
  /*You received this URI : https://app/resources?title=*ui*&maxCapacity=220&MinCapacity=200&afterDeliveryDate=2019-02-28&beforeDeliveryDate=2019-03-31&list=a&list=b&list=c OR
  You received this URI : https://app/resources?title=*ui*&maxCapacity=220&MinCapacity=200&afterDeliveryDate=2019-02-28&beforeDeliveryDate=2019-03-31&list=a,b,c
  So your object query is :
    "title": "*ui*",
    "maxCapacity": 220,
    "minCapacity": 200,
    "afterDeliveryDate": "2019-02-28",
    "beforeDeliveryDate": "2019-03-31",
    "list": [a,b,c]
  let whereGenerate = await SearchUtilsPostgre.generateWhere(query)
  /*Now object whereGenerate is:
    "capacity": {
      [Sequelize.Op.lte]: 220,
      [Sequelize.Op.gte]: 200
      [Sequelize.Op.iLike]: "%ui%"
    "deliveryDate": {
      [Sequelize.Op.lte]: 2019-03-31,
      [Sequelize.Op.gte]: 2019-02-28
     "list": { 
      [Sequelize.Op.Or]: [a,b,c]

  //Resource is model of sequelize
  return await Resource.findall({ where: whereGenerate })

But if you want choose attribute to use advanced search, you can use a function like this:

import SearchUtilsPostgre from '@u-iris/searchUtilsPostgre'
async function findAll(query) {
  let whereGenerate = {}
  //you want your customer can search on min and max of capacity and search on a title with wildcard and search a mail's list
  /*You received this URI : https://api/resources?title=*ui*&maxCapacity=220&minCapacity=200&mail=mail1@gmail.com,mail=mail2@gmail.com
  So your object query is :
    "title": "*ui*",
    "maxCapacity": 220,
    "minCapacity": 200,
    "mail": [mail1@gmail.com,b,mail2@gmail.com]
  if (query.minCapacity) {
    searchUtilsPostgre.searchMin('capacity', Number(query.minCapacity), whereGenerate)
  if (query.maxCapacity) {
    searchUtilsPostgre.searchMax('capacity', Number(query.maxCapacity), whereGenerate)
  if (query.title) {
    searchUtilsPostgre.searchString('title', query.title, whereGenerate)
  if (query.mail) {
    searchUtilsPostgre.searchList('mail', query.mail, whereGenerate)
  /*Now object whereGenerate is:
    "capacity": {
      [Sequelize.Op.lte]: 220,
      [Sequelize.Op.gte]: 200
      [Sequelize.Op.iLike]: "%ui%"
    "mail": { 
      [Sequelize.Op.Or]: [mail1@gmail.com,b,mail2@gmail.com]

  //Resource is model of sequelize
  return await Resource.findall({ where: whereGenerate })

Google Auth

To call the api google, you can use googleAuth to get a google authentification token

import { googleAuth } from '@u-iris/iris-back'

const myGoogleAuth = googleAuth(
    secretPath: 'd:/temp/mySecret.json',
    tokenPath: 'd:/temp/myToken.json',
const authClient = googleAuth.getGoogleAuthClient()


To use pagination you need to change your function that exposes your route (EBS) and your function that makes the request to the database (DAO).

Pagination EBS

The EBS pagination will allow you to check the size and page requested by the customer, but also to return an appropriate header.

import { PaginationUtilsEBS } from '@u-iris/iris-back'

commandesRouter.get('/', async (req, res) => {
  try {
    //StartOnPagination check if size and page are a number and check too Accept-Range
    await PaginationUtilsEBS.checkPagination(req.query, 50)
    const response = await commandesLBS.findCommandes(req.query)
    //generatesResponse generate a header and a status of response
    await PaginationUtilsEBS.generatesResponse(
      req.headers.host + req.originalUrl,
  } catch (error) {

Pagination Mongo DAO

import { PaginationUtilsDAO } from '@u-iris/iris-back'

export const findCommandes = async (query) => {
	try {
		let commandeFind = {}
        const commandesDB = await connect()
        //searchInDB create query and response paged
		return await PaginationUtilsDAO.searchInDb('commandes' , commandesDB ,commandeFind , query)

	} catch (error) {
		throw error

Pagination Postgre DAO

To use a pagination for postgre, you must have 'sequelize'.

import { PaginationUtilsPostgreDAO } from '@ugieiris/iris-back'
import Sequelize from 'sequelize'

export const findCommandes = async (query) => {
  async function findAll(query) {
    return await PaginationUtilsPostgreDAO.findWithPagination(models, query, where)