2.2.1 • Published 7 years ago

appshot v2.2.1

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7 years ago


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npm i -g appshot

A CLI tool to record gifs of apps on MacOS.

appshot gif

Table Of Contents

ImageMagic convert

The convert utility from ImageMagic library should be installed to allow saving optimised gifs.

brew install imagemagic

Otherwise, unoptimised records can be taken with -g flag.


After installing globally, the program can be run. Pass a part of the window title to start recording.

appshot part_of_window_title
appshot README.md

If more that one window is found, the recording won't start.

--list, -l

Only list the open windows without capturing a gif.

appshot -l
│ winid  │ app              │ title                                  │ pid    │
│ 108    │ Creative Cloud   │ Item-0                                 │ 993    │
│ 101    │ Tunnelblick      │ Item-0                                 │ 1036   │
│ 84     │ Avira            │ Item-0                                 │ 997    │
│ 81     │ PostgresMenuHel… │ Item-0                                 │ 1018   │
│ 17     │ Little Snitch A… │ Item-0                                 │ 344    │
│ 29     │ SystemUIServer   │ AppleBluetoothExtra                    │ 417    │
│ 33     │ SystemUIServer   │ AirPortExtra                           │ 417    │
│ 37     │ SystemUIServer   │ AppleTextInputExtra                    │ 417    │
│ 41     │ SystemUIServer   │ AppleClockExtra                        │ 417    │
│ 45     │ SystemUIServer   │ AppleUser                              │ 417    │
│ 50     │ Spotlight        │ Item-0                                 │ 419    │
│ 27     │ SystemUIServer   │ Siri                                   │ 417    │
│ 25     │ SystemUIServer   │ NotificationCenter                     │ 417    │
│ 3      │ Window Server    │ Menubar                                │ 206    │
│ 66     │ Visual Studio C… │ README.md — appshot                    │ 410    │
│ 68     │ Google Chrome    │ Child Process | Node.js v10.2.1 Docum… │ 414    │
│ 59     │ iTerm2           │ 1. bash                                │ 415    │
│ 4      │ Window Server    │ Backstop Menubar                       │ 206    │
│ 60     │ Finder           │                                        │ 418    │
│ 54     │ Dock             │ Desktop Picture - Sierra 2.jpg         │ 416    │
│ 2      │ Window Server    │ Desktop                                │ 206    │

--app, -a

Filter by the name of the application.

--title, -t

Filter by the title of the window. Same as passing the title as the first argument.

--wait, -w

Delay in seconds before the recording starts.

--file, -f

Path to the file. If none specified, a prompt will be displayed.

--delay, -d

How often to take screenshots. Defaults to 1 second.

--resize, -z

Resize to this width, keeping height proportionate.

--colors, -c

How many colors to use in the output gif.

--dir, -D

Directory in which to save the gif.

--gifsicle, -g

Save in unoptimised gif format. This can be used when imagemagic is not installed, however not recommended as the image size is not optimal.

--max, -m

Capture this number of frames at max and stop recording.

--chopTop, -T: Chop Top

How many pixels to take off top of each image. Pass 23 value (on non-retina displays) to remove the window headers, which can change title or status and lead to de-optimisation.

Copyright 2018 Art Deco Code


7 years ago


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8 years ago