8.0.0 • Published 6 years ago

boar-tasks-client v8.0.0

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6 years ago

Boar Tasks for client side

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This repository contains Gulp-based tasks to make client-side applications easier. It can be used with any client side framework which supports the CommonJS or AMD pattern.

These tasks are helpers, you have to define your build tasks in your project's gulpfile.js. You can find examples in our existing services or workshop material.

Usually we create a tasks.config.js file which is for override the default task settings.

Sample config file

// tasks.config.js

module.exports = {
  staticServer: {
    port: 8081

  client: {
    app: {
      buildPattern: 'client/app/app.js',
      testPattern: 'client/app/**/*.spec.js'
    stylesheets: {
      buildPattern: 'client/stylesheets/app.styl'

Sample gulpfile

// gulpfile.js

let gulp = require('gulp');
let runSequence = require('run-sequence');

let config = require('./tasks.config.js');
let tasks = require('boar-tasks-client').getTasks(gulp, config);

gulp.task('build', function(cb) {
  runSequence('build-clean', 'client-build', cb);

gulp.task('start', ['build'], function() {

gulp.task('test', tasks.client.test);
gulp.task('code-style', ['client-jscs', 'check-tests', 'check-logs']);
gulp.task('build-clean', tasks.build.clean);
gulp.task('server', tasks.client.staticServer);
gulp.task('client-build', tasks.client.buildScripts);
gulp.task('client-watch', tasks.client.buildScriptsDenyErrors);
gulp.task('reload-static-server', tasks.client.reloadStaticServer);
gulp.task('assets-watch', function() {
  gulp.watch('dist/**/*', ['reload-static-server']);

Available tasks

Build tasks


It is used to remove files from the build target directory.


Pushes the current codebase to the production branch. Usually it initiate a deploying process.

Redirector tasks


Saves the given revision to the Emarsys Redirector service - allowing to control user caches above Amazon S3 and Cloudfront.

Default configuration

Config.redirector = {
  url: argv.redirectorUrl || process.env.REDIRECTOR_URL,
  name: argv.redirectorName || process.env.REDIRECTOR_NAME,
  target: argv.redirectorTarget || process.env.REDIRECTOR_TARGET,
  apiSecret: argv.redirectorApiSecret || process.env.REDIRECTOR_API_SECRET


gulp.task('publish-redirector', tasks.redirector.save);

// Revision can be calculated before the task run
gulp.task('publish-redirector', function() { return tasks.redirector.save('myLatestRevision'); });

S3 tasks


It gzip the current codebase and pushes to Amazon S3

Default configuration

Config.s3 = {
  copyPattern: 'dist/**/*',
  bucket: argv.s3Bucket || process.env.S3_BUCKET,
  withGzip: true,
  headers: {
    'Cache-Control': 'max-age=315360000, no-transform, public',
    'x-amz-acl': 'bucket-owner-full-control'


gulp.task('publish-s3', tasks.s3.publish);

Client tasks

Copy static

Copy static files into the dist folder.

Default configuration

Config.client = {
  static: {
    copyPattern: 'client/static/**/*',
    target: Config.build.assetsPath


gulp.task('client-build-static', tasks.client.copyStatic);

Build stylesheets

Copying and pre-processing stylesheets using stylus.

Default configuration

Config.client = {
  stylesheets: {
    buildPattern: 'client/stylesheets/*.styl',
    watchPattern: 'client/stylesheets/**/*',
    target: Config.build.assetsPath + 'stylesheets/',
    plugins: [],
    includeCSS: true,
    autoprefixer: {
      browsers: ['ie 9', 'ie 10', 'last 2 versions'],
      cascade: false


gulp.task('client-build-stylesheets', tasks.client.buildStylesheets);

Build stylesheets with denying errors

It is the same as the buildStylesheets task but it is not exiting on stylesheet error. It is suggested to use for smooth development experience.


gulp.task('client-build-stylesheets-continously', tasks.client.buildStylesheetsDenyErrors);

Build scripts

It is used to build JavaScript files. It uses Webpack and Babel to compile ES6 code to ES5. Finally it creates a single JavaScript file with all of required files.

Default configuration

Config.client = {
  app: {
    path: 'client/app/',
    extensions: ['.js'],
    buildPattern: 'client/app/!(*.spec).js',
    testPattern: 'client/app/**/*.spec.js',
    testModules: [],
    watchPattern: 'client/app/**/*',
    viewPattern: 'client/app/views/**/*.jade',
    vendorPattern: 'client/vendors.js',
    target: Config.build.assetsPath + 'scripts/',
    vendors: [],
    codeStylePattern: 'client/app/**/*.js',
    loaders: [
      { test: /\.js$/, loader: 'babel', exclude: /(node_modules)/ },
      { test: /\.jade$/, loader: 'jade-loader?self' },
      { test: /\.json$/, loader: 'json-loader' }


gulp.task('client-build-scripts', tasks.client.buildScripts);

Build scripts with denying errors

It is the same as the buildScripts task but it is not exiting on script compilation error. It is suggested to use for smooth development experience.


gulp.task('client-build-scripts-continously', tasks.client.buildScriptsDenyErrors);

Concatenate vendors

It concatenates all of the listed vendor files and create a vendors.js on the client.app.target path from the configuration.

Default configuration

Config.client = {
  app: {
    target: Config.build.assetsPath + 'scripts/',
  vendors: []


gulp.task('client-concat-vendors', tasks.client.concatVendors);

Building an app with multiple entry points

If you have an app with multiple entry points, you can configure buildPattern as an array of strings.

Config.client = {
  app: {
    buildPattern: [

If you have entry points used somewhere else where vendors.js is not available - eg. a web worker -, you can configure buildPattern to build those entry points with the webpack module loading logic included.

Config.client = {
  app: {
    buildPattern: [
        pattern: 'client/workers/!(*.spec).js',
        splitVendor: false


Run all the tests found in the codebase using Karma.

Default configuration

Config.client = {
  testConfigPath: process.cwd() + '/karma.conf.js'


gulp.task('client-test', tasks.client.test);

Code style

Check code style using ESLint on the selected JavaScript files.

Default configuration

Config.client = {
  app: {
    codeStylePattern: 'client/app/**/*.js'


gulp.task('client-codestyle', tasks.client.codeStyle);

Stylesheets code style

Check code style on the selected stylesheets using Stylint.

Default configuration

Config.client = {
  stylesheets: {
    codeStyle: {
      pattern: 'client/stylesheets/**/*.styl',
      config: {
        rules: {
          depthLimit: 3,
          efficient: false,
          indentPref: 2,
          namingConvention: 'lowercase-dash',
          noImportant: true,
          quotePref: 'double',
          sortOrder: 'alphabetical',
          valid: false


gulp.task('client-stylesheet-codestyle', tasks.client.stylesheetCodeStyle);

Template code style

Check code style on the selected template files using pug-lint.

Default configuration

Config.client = {
  app: {
    templateCodeStylePattern: 'client/app/**/*.jade'

Code style rules

Install pug-lint-config-emarsys to your project and create a file in your project's root called .pug-lintrc with the following content:

  "extends": "emarsys"


gulp.task('client-template-code-style', tasks.client.templateCodeStyle);

Security checks

Check package.json's dependencies section against known vulnerable libraries. This will only generate warnings on the console.


gulp.task('nsp', function(cb) { tasks.client.nsp(__dirname + '/package.json', cb) });

Dummy server to provide assets

It is for development purposes - serving static asset files.

Default configuration

Config.staticServer = {
  port: process.env.PORT || 8080


gulp.task('client-static-server', tasks.client.staticServer);

// It can be reloaded with reloadStaticServer
gulp.task('reload-static-server', tasks.client.reloadStaticServer);