2.0.0 • Published 5 years ago

cope-spa v2.0.0

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Last release
5 years ago

Agile Player

Component for audio and video playing made in React. It can play media on streaming and on demand in the following types, with the ability to set different broadcasters, and related medias:

DEMO: https://agilecontent.github.io/cope-group-react-player/


In a React app:

import { Player } from 'player-react';

// Example Basic player
render(<Player config={config} />, element);

The config must be an object. It's structure and all the accepted props are defined in the styleguide documentation.


Start here:

npm install

npm run start-styleguide

You can then open it at http://localhost:6060


To run tests just:

npm run test-dev
npm run test-pro
npm run test-chrome


To deploy the project:

  • Increase package version

  • Compile project

npm run build-pro
  • Publish to npm
npm publish

The package is: cope-group-react-player


For tracking.

Cope-spa is a project inside the cope site. So, the only file used is bundle.js. This page: "cope.es/directos" has a header, footer, ... from cope.es site. Also a div with id="app" has been created to inject the cope-spa application through bundle.js.

The player core uses the comscore library inside and traces the events back to comscore. It was necessary to record url changes. The cope.es site (or the related environment) contains the comscore library and the script to use it.

The zip created contains files/lib/*. Actually, those files aren't used, but it's probably interesting to have them inside the zip.