0.2.0 • Published 7 years ago

musically-api v0.2.0

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7 years ago

Unofficial Musical.ly API · npm version Coverage Status Build Status PRs Welcome Supported musical.ly version

A reverse-engineered implementation of the musical.ly app's API.


npm i musically-api


Creating an instance

import MusicallyAPI, { getRequestParams } from 'musically-api';

// Required - a method that signs the URL with anti-spam parameters
// You must provide an implementation yourself to successfully make
// most requests with this library.
const signURL = async (url, ts, deviceId) => {
  const as = 'anti-spam parameter 1';
  const cp = 'anti-spam parameter 2'
  const mas = 'anti-spam parameter 3';
  return `${url}&as=${as}&cp=${cp}&mas=${mas}`;

// Required - device parameters
// You need to source these using a man-in-the-middle proxy such as mitmproxy,
// CharlesProxy or PacketCapture (Android)
const params = getRequestParams({
  device_id: '<device_id>',
  fp: '<device_fingerprint>',
  iid: '<install_id>',
  openudid: '<device_open_udid>',

const api = new MusicallyAPI(params, { signURL });

// You are now able to make successful requests

Instance methods

#loginWithEmail(email, password)

Authenticates you with the API and stores your session data in a cookie jar. Subsequent requests will include these cookies.

api.loginWithEmail('<email>', '<password>')
  .then(res => console.log(res.data))

// Outputs:
// { email: '<email>', session_key: '123456', user_id: '123456', ... }

See the login types for the response data.


Gets a user's profile.

  .then(res => console.log(res.data.user))

// Outputs:
// { aweme_count: 1000, nickname: 'example', unique_id: 'musername', ... }

See the user types for the response data.


Lists a user's posts.

  user_id: '<user_id>',
  max_cursor: 0,
  .then(res => console.log(res.data.aweme_list))

// Outputs:
// [{ author: {...}, aweme_id: '999', desc: 'description', music: {...}, statistics: {...}, video: {...} }, ...]

See the post types for the complete request/response objects.


Lists the users that follow the specified user.

  user_id: '<user_id>',
  max_time: Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000),
  .then(res => console.log(res.data.followers))

// Outputs:
// [{ unique_id: 'follower1' }, { unique_id: 'follower2' }, ...]

See the follower types for the complete request/response objects.



This code is in no way affiliated with, authorized, maintained, sponsored or endorsed by musical.ly or any of its affiliates or subsidiaries. This is an independent and unofficial API. Use at your own risk.